Sunbeam or Shade Method of Providing UVB to Reptiles
Providing the proper ultraviolet B (UVB) lighting is crucial for captive reptiles in order to maintain vital bodily function. There are two common methods of providing UVB light - the Shade and the Sunbeam Method. Understanding how to provide correct and safe levels of UVB for your reptile can be confusing. Let's break down both methods and help you choose the right one for your scaly friend.
The Shade Method:
- Concept: This method bathes nearly the entire enclosure in a low level of UVB light.
- Equipment: Long, linear UVB fluorescent tubes (T5 or T8) that span the majority of the enclosure.
- Benefits:
- More straightforward and easy to accomplish with all species, regardless of Ferguson Zone and basking activity.Â
- Easier to maintain consistent UVB levels within a safe range throughout the lifespan of the bulb.
- Drawbacks:
- May not provide ideal UVB exposure for some high-UVB requiring species (namely, animals within Ferguson Zones 3 & 4)
- Not ideal for tall enclosures, as UVB strength diminishes with distance from the bulb.

A linear UVB bulb is placed to cover the majority of the enclosure, emitting a moderate level of UVB with a UVI that is within standard range for the Ferguson Zone of the animal. Animals can choose how close they are to the bulb, or to retreat from exposure entirely. Best used for crepuscular, shade-dwelling, and partial sun baskers - but suitable for all animals.Â
The Sunbeam Method:
Concept: This method mimics natural sunlight by providing a concentrated area of high-intensity UVB light over a basking spot within the enclosure.
Equipment: Compact UVB bulbs or mercury vapor bulbs may be positioned over a basking spot. Additionally, basking platforms or other materials can be used to create a basking spot closer to a linear UVB bulb where the animal will be able to receive higher levels of UVB in a small area.
- Benefits:
- Ideal for high-UVB requiring reptile species within Ferguson zones 3 & 4 - like uromastyx and bearded dragons.
- Creates a localized hot spot with elevated UVB levels and heat where the animal can choose to bask, while also being able to retreat to more moderate levels of UVB or complete shade.Â
- Drawbacks:
- Requires precise positioning to ensure the basking area receives the correct UV index (UVI) while the rest of the enclosure remains low in UVB.
- Care must be taken to ensure you are not exceeding maximum UVI output to avoid potential burns or eye damage to your reptile .

Mercury vapor bulb is placed over the basking spot in the Sunbeam Method, exposing sun-loving animals to higher levels of UVB, similar to mid-day full sun basking. The animal can retreat into complete. shade by utilizing other areas of the enclosure.
Choosing the Right Method:
Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a UVB method:
- Your reptile species: Different species have varying UVB requirements. Research your specific reptile's needs to determine the ideal UVB intensity and maximum UV index within their basking spot.
- Enclosure size: The shade method works best for smaller enclosures, while the sunbeam method can be adapted for larger spaces.
- Basking behavior: Does your reptile actively bask during the day? The Sunbeam Method is ideal for animals in Ferguson Zones 3 - 4 that are considered mid-day / full sun baskers. Shade-dwelling, crepuscular, or part sun baskers are more suited for the Shade Method.Â
Additional Tips:
- Always use a UVB meter to measure the exact UVB intensity within your enclosure, regardless of the method chosen. The Solarmeter 6.5R is a worthwhile investment. Not only will you have the peace of mind knowing that your lights are the correct strength and distance, you can also go longer between replacing UVB bulbs. You’d be surprised how much longer some UV lights can put out adequate UVI past the recommended manufacturers recommended replacement time - but you won’t know unless you can check!
- Ensure the UVB bulb is positioned at the correct distance from your reptile's basking spot according to the UVB calculator!
- Replace UVB bulbs regularly per manufacturer recommendation (usually every 6 months - 1 year) unless you have a UVI reader to monitor the degradation of the bulb.Â
By understanding the shade and sunbeam methods, you can create a UVB lighting system that caters to your reptile's specific needs, promoting their overall health and long term well-being. Remember, providing proper UVB exposure is vital for reptiles to thrive in captivity!