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How to Prevent and Treat MBD in Reptiles | Metabolic Bone Disease

How to Prevent and Treat MBD in Reptiles | Metabolic Bone Disease

Prevention and Treatment for Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)

Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) is a common yet serious condition affecting captive reptiles, particularly those that require UVB lighting and a source of dietary calcium. MBD is caused by calcium deficiency, improper calcium-to-phosphorus ratios, and a lack of vitamin D3, which is crucial for calcium absorption. If left untreated, MBD can lead to severe skeletal deformities, fractures, and even death.

Preventing MBD

1. Proper UVB Lighting

  • Use a high-quality linear UVB bulb designed for reptiles from trusted brands

  • Replace UVB bulbs every 6-12 months, as their effectiveness decreases over time.

  • Ensure your reptile can bask within the recommended distance of the UVB source.

To check ideal strength and distance for your species of reptile, check out our UVB Calculator Tool

2. Balanced Diet & Calcium Supplementation

  • Feed a diet appropriate for your reptile’s species (herbivorous, insectivorous, or omnivorous).

  • Dust insects or food with pure calcium powder (without d3) regularly, and a calcium WITH d3 once per week (depending on species and UVB exposure)

  • Provide a proper calcium-to-phosphorus ratio by feeding gut-loaded insects. 

To find out more about proper gut loading, check out our Gutloading Guide!

3. Proper Temperature & Hydration

  • Maintain appropriate basking temperatures to aid digestion and calcium metabolism.

  • Keep your reptile hydrated to support digestion and nutrient absorption.

4. Regular Vet Checkups

  • Periodic veterinary exams can help catch early signs of MBD.

  • Blood tests and X-rays may be needed to assess calcium levels and bone health.



Treatment of MBD

If MBD is detected early, adjustments in diet, UVB exposure, and supplementation can resolve mild cases. MBD is not curable, and severe cases may require extensive veterinary intervention to stop progression including:

  • Calcium and Vitamin D3 Injections: To quickly stop the body from pulling calcium from bones.

  • Pain Management.

  • Physical Therapy Exercises: Encouraging movement to regain strength and mobility.



Final Thoughts

Metabolic Bone Disease is a preventable but potentially life-threatening condition in reptiles. Providing the right UVB lighting, a balanced diet, and proper calcium supplementation can ensure your pet remains healthy and strong. If you suspect your reptile may have MBD, seek veterinary care immediately to prevent further complications.
To find a reptile vet near you, check out the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians Vet Finder tool

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