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Crested Gecko Essential Care Information

Crested Gecko Essential Care Information


Crested Gecko Essential Care Guide

Crested Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus)

General Information

- Native Habitat: New Caledonia, lower shrubs to mid-level trees

- Lifespan: 20+ years with proper care

- Typical Temperament: Active, inquisitive, gentle

- Care Difficulty: Easy

Physical Characteristics

- Size: 6-8 inches from nose to tail

- Appearance: Wild colors range from light tan to dark brown, captive breeding has produced numerous colors and pattern variations. 

Enclosure Setup

- Size: Minimum adult enclosure size: 18" x 18" x 24", starting young animals in smaller enclosures may help with stable and steady growth.

- Arboreal: Typically utilizes the top 2/3 of the enclosure. Branches wider than the animal's body and foliage for coverage will help them feel secure.

- Solo Housing: Solitary animals. House solo to avoid competition related stress or health issues.

Lighting, Temperatures & Humidity

Lighting Schedule: 12 hour on / 12 hour off. 

- UVB Light: Beneficial, but not required for survival


-Use a 12-18” 5.0 or 6% T5 linear UVB bulb over the mesh, placed 7-10” above the basking surface 

- Full-spectrum LED recommended (6500K).


  - Basking surface (Top of Enclosure): 82-85°F

  - Cool side (Bottom of Enclosure): 70-75°F

  - Night Drop: Temperatures can safely drop to 65-72°F 

- Humidity: Maintain ~60-75% humidity, measured with a digital hygrometer. Enclosure should be misted at night for a humidity spike, and allowed to drop to 50% during the day before misting again. 

Substrate (Bedding)

- Recommended mix: 50% organic top soil, 20% peat moss, 30% sand

- Depth: 3-4 inches; add leaf litter to help maintain humidity.

- Cleaning: Spot clean as needed, replace substrate every 3-4 months unless bioactive.

Decorating the Terrarium

- Enrichment: Use cork rounds, branches, magnetic ledges, and plants (live or artificial) to stimulate natural behaviors and promote physical activity.

- Hides: Provide ample plant coverage and hiding places, especially within the top 2/3 of the enclosure


- Omnivores: offer a complete and balanced crested gecko diet (CGD) as a staple with live insects offered often

  - Prey size: No larger than the space between the eyes.

  - Prey variety: Crickets, Dubia roaches, red runner roaches, silkworms, mealworms, Black soldier fly larvae. Wax worms, superworms, and hornworms can be offered on occasion. 

  - Supplementation: Dust live insects in a calcium and multivitamin powder. Crested gecko diet is complete and should not have additional supplements added. 

Feeding Frequency

  • Hatchling (under 5g)  CGD offered daily, live insects 2x per week
  • Juvenile (under 15g)  CGD changed every other day, live insects 2x per week
  • Subadult-Adult (15-45g)  CGD changed every other day, live insects 1-2x per week

- Feeding method: Crested gecko diet should be mixed to a ketchup consistency and offered in a shallow dish. Young crested geckos tend to eat well on the ground of the enclosure, but you can also offer food in raised magnetic ledges. 
Live insects can either be tong fed or released in the enclosure for the gecko to hunt.

Handling Tips

- Allow the gecko at least a week to settle in before handling.

- Keep handling sessions short, using hand over hand treadmill motion to allow the gecko to move.

- Geckos generally do not like being pet or grabbed, so avoid poking and grabbing at them

This guide provides essential care information to ensure your crested gecko thrives in captivity.

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