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What Size Rodent Should I Feed My Snake?

What Size Rodent Should I Feed My Snake?

What Size Rodent Should You Feed Your Snake?

Feeding your snake the appropriate prey size is essential for keeping them healthy and well-nourished. Offering rodents that are too small may not provide sufficient nutrition, while prey that is too large can lead to regurgitation or other digestive complications.

Choosing the Right Prey Size

As a general guideline, the prey item should be approximately the same width as the thickest part of the snake’s body. This ensures the snake can swallow and digest its meal comfortably. When in doubt, it is best to start with a slightly smaller prey item and adjust as needed.

Feeding Considerations

  • Growth Stage: Younger snakes require smaller, more frequent meals, while adults should consume larger prey less often.

  • Species Differences: Some species prefer smaller, more frequent meals, while others can handle larger prey at longer intervals.

  • Behavioral Cues: If a snake refuses food or regurgitates* after eating, the prey size or feeding schedule may need adjustment.
    *Frequent regurgitation should prompt a visit with your exotic veterinarian to check for health concerns! 

Should I Feed My Snake Mice or Rats?

Most snakes require a diet of primarily whole rodents; but should you be feeding mice or rats? 
For many species, especially in the early stages of life, mice are a popular choice. Mice tend to be leaner, though it's worth noting that their fat content can sometimes be higher. As snakes mature, a transition to rats is typically recommended. Rats provide larger meal options that better suit an adult snake’s size and nutritional requirements.

Keep A Weight Log

Use a gram scale your snake several days before feeding; bi-weekly for young animals and monthly for adults. Keeping a log of your snake's "empty" weight will allow you to monitor whether your snake is gaining, maintaining, or losing weight with your current feeding schedule and prey size. Using your snake's weight and body condition, observing your snake’s feeding habits, and making adjustments as needed will help ensure a balanced diet that meets its needs.


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