Kasey's Korner: Beardie Traits and Tips

According to our Animal Care Manager Kasey, beardies are the easiest to care for reptiles. This makes them the ideal pet for a first-time reptile owner. “They are wonderful pets for a family,” says Kasey. “They are easy to care for and have a very chilled out persona. There are always exceptions in personalities.” Learn more beardie basics!
YouTuber Spotlight: Kristen Leanne

Kristen Leanne’s You Tube channel and Instagram account speak to two very distinct interests,beauty and reptiles. Although most enthusiasts do consider reptiles to be beautiful pets. As a young child, she would roam her two-acre backyard in East County, San Diego, CA, after school, playing with bugs and catching lizards, frogs, tadpoles and more.
Videos to View

Watch Randy's latest Concept to Reality video. In this fourth installment he discusses the importance of selecting a selling platform and fully understanding how it can help your business.

We love to go on YouTube and watch videos from the creator of Jessica's Animal Friends, Jessica. She covers so many topics, including feeding her reptiles, clogged pores in Leopard Geckos, feeder insect information, and her favorite things about her 36 geckos. Check out her channel!
For Your InformaZEN

Zen Habitats Supports USARK
Zen Habitats is proud to support rescue and other organizations that promote the ethical care of reptiles. We are a Gold Member of the United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK). USARK is leading the charge to stop a federal bill that will reinstate the ban on interstate transportation and ownership of many reptile species. Learn more about USARK and join the cause.
Are you looking for great information covering the world of reptiles, reptile husbandry, and much more? Browse our Caring For Your Pet page. If you have a topic you'd like to read about, let us know!
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