Reptile Care Sheets & Resources
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Get Rid of Fungus Gnats in Reptile Enclosures | No Chemicals
If you see tiny slow moving gnats when you open or disturb your enclosure - you probably have fungus gnats.
How to Quarantine Terrarium Plants for Reptile Enclosures
This guide outlines quarantining and cleaning new plants that you intend to add to your reptile’s enclosure!
What is Poisonous to Reptiles? | Don't Feed THESE To Your Reptile!
It is important we know what our reptiles can NOT eat to avoid offering them any hazardous snacks.
Myths and Misconceptions About Heating for Reptiles
Many myths and misconceptions have been passed around for many years regarding heating reptiles...
The Difference Between Bioactive and Naturalistic Reptile Enclosures
When it comes to replicating the natural habitat of your pet reptile, two popular options stand out: bioactive and naturalistic...
All About Feeding Bee Pollen To Reptiles | Top Benefits of Bee Pollen for Reptiles
Learn all about this reptile superfood! Bee pollen is packed with several vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants!
Using A Zen Habitats Enclosure To Build A Semi-Aquatic Turtle Habitat
Dubbed the “Zen-Quarium” we decided to create a semi-aquatic habitat for our new African Side Neck Turtle, Theo. This is...
Complete Guide To Gutloading Insects For Your Reptiles | Zen Habitats
Gutloading is a process in which you feed your insects highly nutritious foods ahead of feeding them to your animals...